What I'm Doing Now

Last updated August 2017
  • In May and June of 2017, I spent 36 days backpacking across Europe. I shot and edited this video (shown below) of my adventures across 14 cities in Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, and Germany.
  • In June, I moved out to San Jose, CA to begin my job designing products as a mechanical engineer at Fetch Robotics. I am thrilled to be working with such a talented team in an exciting industry for my first job as a full-time engineer.
  • Some recent reads include American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Principles by Ray Dalio.
  • My exercise focus has shifted from endurance aerobic training to weight lifting. I find bodybuilding to be an incredibly satisfying outlet and in the last 6 months I have gained 20 pounds of (mostly) lean muscle.
  • In my free time I'm continuing to build my web development skills. I finished Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial and have worked on several projects like VisualizeUA and StravaGear using Bootstrap, Jekyll, and Ruby on Rails.